What’s right and what’s wrong?

Do you know what is right and what is wrong?Nothing has confused me more than this question. The more I think about any decision, to be classified as right or wrong there is always a moral predesposition that guides that decision. If your moral compass guides you to do one thing and your desire or nature drives you astray, you eventually end up feeling you have wronged something or someone.

One may argue that the moral compass is what is right. But on deeper analysis you would see that the accuracy of this particular compass varies, not just spanning four directional representations but to infinite possibility of choices; choices that are an acummulated amalgamation of experience, expectations and a bit of personal madness.

Are morals an embedded design in the way we think? Or is it just a learned or rather mimicked behaviour that humans cultivated over years for social acceptance? Aren’t we all told how to think, how to react, how to see and how to behave at some point in our lifes.? As if we are irrational beings unable to see, visualise, analyse, understand and percieve things around us? I wonder if animals have moral lessons, I wonder if they are confined to the duality of right and wrong.

Our life is governed by dualities. Anything beyond that is an abberation. Black and white, sun and moon, life and death, hero and villain. Like zero between integers of varying polarity, like grey between the stark difference in two colours, isn’t there atleast one other dimension that is neither this or that?

What if we are all on that fine line that separates heads from tales, where black merges with white, where yin meets yang; but reluctant to admit it, cause being right and good and fair has become an educated burden that we have been carrying for eternity and yet unable to realize that it takes many forms, like beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

So I ask you again, how do you know whether you are right or wrong?

Vishnu. R

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